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550 lines
# mxedit.bindings
# Default bindings for the mxedit widget. This imports the names
# of various menus in order to establish keyboard bindings and menu
# accelerators in a consistent manner via the mxMenuBind procedure.
# This also includes bindings for the search/replace and command entries
# Copyright (c) 1992 Xerox Corporation.
# Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based
# upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or
# derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export
# control laws. This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation
# makes no warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to
# any specification.
# showBindings --
# Pop up a new window to display key bindings.
# Note that we seem to get them back in reverse order
# to which they were defined, so mxBindings should
# define boring ones first.
proc showBindings { args } {
global mxedit
set newWindow [mxopen {}]
send $newWindow {insert Keystroke\ Bindings:\n}
send $newWindow {insert ---------\ --------\n}
if {[llength $args] == 0} {set args [bind $mxedit]}
foreach binding $args {
send $newWindow [list insert [format {\n%-20s => "%s"} $binding [bind $mxedit $binding]]]
send $newWindow clean
send $newWindow {see 0.0}
# basicBindings --
# Set up ASCII input and a couple other bindings for an mxedit widget
# that probably don't need to be changed on a per-user basis
proc basicBindings { widget } {
# Set up ascii input
bindLatin1 $widget
bind $widget <Return> "newline ; see caret"
bind $widget <Tab> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <BackSpace> "deleteBackChar"
# clicking on edit window grabs focus.
# The history ignore prevents double clicks from forgetting history
# because ordinarily a mouse click does reset history, except when
# nothing new has happened since the last click.
bind $widget <1> "history ignore \"focus $widget\""
# mxBindings --
# This sets up the keystroke bindings for an mxedit widget.
# This procedure uses mxMenuBind to set up keyboard accelerators.
# mxMenuBind keeps the menu display up-to-date with the keyboard bindings.
proc mxBindings { widget } {
# Set up ASCII input
basicBindings $widget
# Mark-related bindings
bindMarks $widget
mxMenuBind <Control-s> File "Save"
mxMenuBind <Control-q> File "Quit"
mxMenuBind <Control-o> File "Open new window"
mxMenuBind <Mod1-o> File "Open file SEL"
mxMenuBind <Mod1-s> File "Switch to file SEL"
mxMenuBind <Escape><s> File "Switch to previous file"
mxMenuBind <Control-t> File "Switch to tag SEL"
mxMenuBind <Mod1-t> File "Open on tag SEL"
mxMenuBind <Control-g> File "Go to line SEL"
# Open a new window, using the current word as the tag
bind $widget <Escape><t> {
set _t [mark [mark caret forw 1 word] back 1 char]
mxselection set [mark $_t back 1 word] $_t
applyToSelection tagOpen
mxMenuBind <Control-u> Edit "Undo"
mxMenuBind <Control-a> Edit "Do Again"
mxMenuBind <Control-d> Edit "Delete SEL"
mxMenuBind <Control-v> Edit "Paste"
mxMenuBind <Mod1-v> Edit "Move SEL"
# Delete selection and save it
bind $widget <Escape><d> { deleteSave }
# Paste saved selection
bind $widget <Escape><v> { pasteSave }
# Indent the line at the insertion point
global indent
if {![info exists indent]} {
set indent 4
mxMenuBind <Control-p> Edit "Indent line"
mxMenuBind <Control-y> Edit "Outdent line"
mxMenuBind <Mod1-p> Edit "Indent SEL"
mxMenuBind <Mod1-y> Edit "Outdent SEL"
mxMenuBind <Control-f> Search "Forward"
mxMenuBind <Mod1-f> Search "Forward for SEL"
mxMenuBind <Control-b> Search "Backward"
mxMenuBind <Mod1-b> Search "Backward for SEL"
mxMenuBind <Control-r> Search "Replace"
mxMenuBind <Mod1-r> Search "Replace in SEL"
# Clear and focus on the replace window
bind $widget <Escape><r> { replaceClear }
# Make sure the find window is visible
bind $widget <Escape><f> { findClear }
# Search Forward and don't change selection (BROKEN)
bind $widget <Escape><Control-f> {history next history {
set _l [mark sel.left]
set _r [mark sel.right]
mxselection set caret
applyToSelection {search forward}
mxselection set $_l $_r
# Search Backward and don't change selection (BROKEN)
bind $widget <Escape><Control-b> {history next history {
set _l [mark sel.left]
set _r [mark sel.right]
selection set caret
applyToSelection {search backward}
selection set $_l $_r
# Delete forward character
bind $widget <Control-l> { deleteForwChar }
# Delete backward character
bind $widget <Control-h> { deleteBackChar }
bind $widget <Delete> { deleteBackChar }
# Delete backward word
bind $widget <Control-w> { deleteBackWord }
# Delete forward word
bind $widget <Control-n> { deleteForwWord }
# Delete to end of line
bind $widget <Control-e> { deleteEndOfLine }
# Delete the current line
bind $widget <Control-x> { deleteLine }
# Open a line below this one
bind $widget <Control-j> { openLineBelow }
# Open a line above this one
bind $widget <Control-k> { openLineAbove }
# Backward one character
bind $widget <Mod1-h> { back1char }
# Forward one character
bind $widget <Mod1-l> { forw1char }
# Down one line
bind $widget <Mod1-j> { down1line }
bind $widget <Mod1-Return> { nextline }
# Up one line
bind $widget <Mod1-k> { up1line }
# Backward one word
bind $widget <Mod1-w> { back1word }
# Forward one word
bind $widget <Mod1-n> { forw1word }
# To end-of-line
bind $widget <Mod1-e> { endOfLine }
# Miscellany
# Change focus to the command entry widget
bind $widget <Control-c> { mxCommandFocus }
bind $widget <Control-question> { caretInfo }
# These are additions to the entry widget bindings that rightfully
# belong in tk.tcl, but I don't want folks to have to modify that.
# These add mxedit-like bindings to entry widgets.
bind Entry <Control-l> {tk_entryDelRight %W}
bind Entry <Mod1-h> { tk_entryBack1char %W }
bind Entry <Mod1-l> { tk_entryForw1char %W }
bind Entry <Mod1-e> { tk_entryEndOfLine %W }
# Make the third button extend the selection
bind Entry <3> { %W select adjust @%x }
# mxCommandBindings --
proc mxCommandBindings { entry } {
bind $entry <Return> { mxDoCmd }
bind $entry <Control-Return> { mxeditFocus }
bind $entry <Control-q> { mxCommandHide ; mxeditFocus }
bind $entry <Control-f> { searchFocus }
bind $entry <Control-r> { replaceFocus }
# searchBindings --
# Extra bindings for the search entry widget
proc searchBindings { entry } {
bind $entry <Return> { findInner forward }
bind $entry <Control-f> { findInner forward }
bind $entry <Control-f> { findInner forward }
bind $entry <Control-Return> { findInner backward }
bind $entry <Control-r> { replaceFocus }
bind $entry <Control-q> { hideFind ; mxeditFocus }
bind $entry <Control-c> { mxeditFocus }
# replaceBindings --
# Extra bindings for the replace entry widget
proc replaceBindings { entry } {
bind $entry <Return> { findInner replace }
bind $entry <Control-r> { findInner replace }
bind $entry <Mod1-r> { findInner replaceSel }
bind $entry <Escape><r> { findInner replaceEverywhere }
bind $entry <Control-f> { searchFocus }
bind $entry <Control-q> { hideFind ; mxeditFocus }
bind $entry <Control-c> { mxeditFocus }
# emacsBindings --
# This sets up emacs-like keystroke bindings for an mxedit widget.
# This procedure uses mxMenuBind to set up keyboard accelerators.
# mxMenuBind keeps the menu display up-to-date with the keyboard bindings.
proc emacsBindings { } {
global mxedit
set widget $mxedit
# Set up ASCII input
basicBindings $widget
# Nuked the mark-related bindings
mxMenuBind <Control-x><Control-s> File "Save"
mxMenuBind <Control-x><Control-q> File "Quit"
mxMenuUnBind File "Open new window"
mxMenuUnBind File "Open file SEL"
mxMenuUnBind File "Switch to file SEL"
mxMenuUnBind File "Switch to previous file"
mxMenuUnBind File "Switch to tag SEL"
mxMenuUnBind File "Open on tag SEL"
mxMenuUnBind File "Go to line SEL"
# Open a new window, using the current word as the tag
bind $widget <Escape><t> {}
# bind $widget <Escape><t> {
# set _t [mark [mark caret forw 1 word] back 1 char]
# mxselection set [mark $_t back 1 word] $_t
# applyToSelection tagOpen
# }
mxMenuBind <Control-x>u Edit "Undo"
mxMenuBind <Control-u> Edit "Do Again"
mxMenuBind <Control-w> Edit "Delete SEL"
mxMenuBind <Control-y> Edit "Paste"
mxMenuUnBind Edit "Move SEL"
# Delete selection and save it
bind $widget <Escape><d> {}
# Paste saved selection
bind $widget <Escape><v> {}
# Indent the line at the insertion point
global indent
set indent 2
mxMenuUnBind Edit "Indent line"
mxMenuUnBind Edit "Outdent line"
mxMenuUnBind Edit "Indent SEL"
mxMenuUnBind Edit "Outdent SEL"
mxMenuBind <Control-s> Search "Forward"
mxMenuBind <Mod1-s> Search "Forward for SEL"
mxMenuUnBind Search "Backward"
mxMenuUnBind Search "Backward for SEL"
mxMenuBind <Control-r> Search "Replace"
mxMenuBind <Mod1-r> Search "Replace in SEL"
# Clear and focus on the replace window
bind $widget <Escape><r> { replaceClear }
# Make sure the find window is visible
bind $widget <Escape><s> { findClear }
# Delete forward character
bind $widget <Control-d> { deleteForwChar }
# Delete backward character
bind $widget <Delete> { deleteBackChar }
# Delete backward word
bind $widget <Escape><Delete> { deleteBackWord }
# Delete forward word
bind $widget <Escape><d> { deleteForwWord }
# Delete to end of line
bind $widget <Control-k> { deleteEndOfLine }
# Open a line below this one
# bind $widget <Control-j> { openLineBelow }
# Open a line above this one
# bind $widget <Control-k> { openLineAbove }
# Backward one character
bind $widget <Control-b> { back1char }
# Forward one character
bind $widget <Control-f> { forw1char }
# Down one line
bind $widget <Control-n> { down1line }
# Up one line
bind $widget <Control-p> { up1line }
# Backward one word
bind $widget <Escape><b> { back1word }
# Forward one word
bind $widget <Escape><f> { forw1word }
# To end-of-line
bind $widget <Control-e> { endOfLine }
# To beginning of line
bind $widget <Control-a> { beginOfLine }
# Page up
bind $widget <Escape><v> { pageUp }
bind $widget <Mod1-v> { pageUp }
# Page down
bind $widget <Control-v> { pageDown }
# Miscellany
# Change focus to the command entry widget
bind $widget <Escape><x> { mxCommandFocus }
# bind $widget <Control-question> { caretInfo }
# emacsCommandBindings --
proc emacsCommandBindings { entry } {
bind $entry <Return> { mxDoCmd }
bind $entry <Control-Return> { mxeditFocus }
bind $entry <Control-q> { mxCommandHide ; mxeditFocus }
# emacsSearchBindings --
# Extra bindings for the search entry widget
proc emacsSearchBindings { entry } {
bind $entry <Return> { findInner forward }
bind $entry <Control-f> { findInner forward }
bind $entry <Control-f> { findInner forward }
bind $entry <Control-Return> { findInner backward }
bind $entry <Control-r> { replaceFocus }
bind $entry <Control-q> { hideFind ; mxeditFocus }
bind $entry <Control-c> { mxeditFocus }
# emacsReplaceBindings --
# Extra bindings for the replace entry widget
proc emacsReplaceBindings { entry } {
bind $entry <Return> { findInner replace }
bind $entry <Control-r> { findInner replace }
bind $entry <Mod1-r> { findInner replaceSel }
bind $entry <Escape><r> { findInner replaceEverywhere }
bind $entry <Control-f> { searchFocus }
bind $entry <Control-q> { hideFind ; mxeditFocus }
bind $entry <Control-c> { mxeditFocus }
# bindLatin1 --
# Bind the Latin 1 characters to insert themselves.
# This is not simply
# bind $widget <Key> "$widget insert %A"
# because that sucks in too many strays,
# plus I'm not sure that unbinding would work.
# The ! in the command string is important. It affects the way
# history operations are logged, effectively batching lots of keystroke
# inserts into a single history entry.
proc bindLatin1 { widget } {
bind $widget <space> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <exclam> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <quotedbl> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <numbersign> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <dollar> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <percent> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <ampersand> "$widget ! insert %A"
# bind $widget <apostrophe> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <quoteright> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <parenleft> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <parenright> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <asterisk> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <plus> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <comma> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <minus> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <period> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <slash> "$widget ! insert %A"
# 0 though 9
for {set i 48} {$i < 58} {set i [expr $i+1]} {
eval [format "bind $widget %c \"$widget ! insert %%A\"" $i]
bind $widget <colon> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <semicolon> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <less> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <equal> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <greater> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <question> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <at> "$widget ! insert %A"
# A through Z
for {set i 65} {$i < 91} {set i [expr $i+1]} {
eval [format "bind $widget %c \"$widget ! insert %%A\"" $i]
bind $widget <bracketleft> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <backslash> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <bracketright> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <asciicircum> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <underscore> "$widget ! insert %A"
# bind $widget <grave> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <quoteleft> "$widget ! insert %A"
# a through z
for {set i 97} {$i < 123} {set i [expr $i+1]} {
eval [format "bind $widget %c \"$widget ! insert %%A\"" $i]
bind $widget <braceleft> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <bar> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <braceright> "$widget ! insert %A"
bind $widget <asciitilde> "$widget ! insert %A"
# bindMarks --
# Set up bindings to make and move to marks.
# STILL BROKEN. <Escape><m><a> does set a mark,
# but it also inserts "m".
proc bindMarks { widget } {
bind $widget <Escape><m><a> {set _marka [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><a> {see $_marka; caret $_marka}
bind $widget <Escape><m><b> {set _markb [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><b> {see $_markb; caret $_markb}
bind $widget <Escape><m><c> {set _markc [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><c> {see $_markc; caret $_markc}
bind $widget <Escape><m><d> {set _markd [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><d> {see $_markd; caret $_markd}
bind $widget <Escape><m><e> {set _marke [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><e> {see $_marke; caret $_marke}
bind $widget <Escape><m><f> {set _markf [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><f> {see $_markf; caret $_markf}
bind $widget <Escape><m><g> {set _markg [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><g> {see $_markg; caret $_markg}
bind $widget <Escape><m><h> {set _markh [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><h> {see $_markh; caret $_markh}
bind $widget <Escape><m><i> {set _marki [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><i> {see $_marki; caret $_marki}
bind $widget <Escape><m><j> {set _markj [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><j> {see $_markj; caret $_markj}
bind $widget <Escape><m><k> {set _markk [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><k> {see $_markk; caret $_markk}
bind $widget <Escape><m><l> {set _markl [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><l> {see $_markl; caret $_markl}
bind $widget <Escape><m><m> {set _markm [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><m> {see $_markm; caret $_markm}
bind $widget <Escape><m><n> {set _markn [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><n> {see $_markn; caret $_markn}
bind $widget <Escape><m><o> {set _marko [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><o> {see $_marko; caret $_marko}
bind $widget <Escape><m><p> {set _markp [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><p> {see $_markp; caret $_markp}
bind $widget <Escape><m><q> {set _markq [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><q> {see $_markq; caret $_markq}
bind $widget <Escape><m><r> {set _markr [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><r> {see $_markr; caret $_markr}
bind $widget <Escape><m><s> {set _marks [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><s> {see $_marks; caret $_marks}
bind $widget <Escape><m><t> {set _markt [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><t> {see $_markt; caret $_markt}
bind $widget <Escape><m><u> {set _marku [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><u> {see $_marku; caret $_marku}
bind $widget <Escape><m><v> {set _markv [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><v> {see $_markv; caret $_markv}
bind $widget <Escape><m><w> {set _markw [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><w> {see $_markw; caret $_markw}
bind $widget <Escape><m><x> {set _markx [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><x> {see $_markx; caret $_markx}
bind $widget <Escape><m><y> {set _marky [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><y> {see $_marky; caret $_marky}
bind $widget <Escape><m><z> {set _markz [mark caret]}
bind $widget <Mod1-m><z> {see $_markz; caret $_markz}